2013年5月5日 星期日

Model Forecasts – We are Getting There

Martin Amstrong 的預言圖, 金價2013年下跌, 2014-2017年上升, 而2018年又下跌, 所以佢是睇好黃金的 ! 只是因為想賺到盡, 所以才用短炒模式 !

其實買實金銀, 你是無可能短炒的, 因為價跌落去, 又無貨俾你買 !


Yearly 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Turning Point T - T T - T
Dir Change - - - D - -
Panic Cycle - - - - - -
Pattern D U U U U D
The computer models will be accessible very soon in time for the craziness this fall. This is an example of a brief table showing turning points, directional changes, panic cycles, and pattern recognition. You can see the computer was looking for a decline (D) in 2013 for gold with a reversal in trend in 2014 moving back up (U).
