呢個就係常態, 依家唔買的人, 要等到高位才出來鬧人炒貴野 ! 又鬧人想混人入市自已可以甩貨 !
在低位錯過買入機會是自已無眼光, 怨人又有何用 ?
每個投資工具有自已 cycle, 用錯工具, 跟唔上人地的財務增值 !
講開又講下, 本人因為當時換樓最後賣樓是在1993/1994年, 之後無賣過任何物業 !
也要講明, 實金實銀可以用來炒, 也可以長揸 ! 本人會在2020年賣出一些投資實金銀, 再等低位買返, 而收藏幣會送俾孫仔孫女, 佢地可以用來賣, 也可以用來收藏 !
Question: Of all the disparaging headlines I’ve seen about gold over the years, this one wins the prize: As an Investor, Osama bin Laden Was Bullish on Gold
Answer from Fleck: “LOL, in the end all these losers will buy our gold from us at some truly stupendous price.”
Question: I
believe we are finally in the up cycle for gold and it started late
last year or early this year – what I really love right now is the short
story – the short story is….”the commercials are heavily short” and
they are never or hardly ever wrong – that’s the investment advice these
days – don’t buy gold bc the commercials are very short and it might
drop back under 1180. Brilliant just friggan Brilliant
for the Elliot wave crew – this should be the 3rd wave up and that is
the longest wave of them all so if you thought wave 1 to 1900 was
special sit on your hands and like you say fleck do not fight the last
Answer from Fleck: “I agree, the “analysis” that is behind the logic to be short is pretty lame.”