2021年4月8日 星期四


煩咗兩個月, 個心愈來愈亂, 還以為自己心臟有問題.......去做了私院驗查後得知只是血壓高咗, 其他野都OK, 所以約了今早去私家醫生打科興疫苗, 打完個心都定了.......醫生說好多人打, 所以又要訂藥了.......


打針時同普通抽血一樣俾野咬的痛一痛, 一分鐘後就無野了, 去診所門口企(因為唔想坐)了半個鐘就返家......

7 則留言:

Master NLP 提到...


Ming Money Management 提到...

Right now only USA and China vaccines are good. Other nation vaccines such as England is risk more than efficient.

If you are rich and want the best vaccines, take USA vaccines. If you are poor and want a lot of people to got vaccines, choose China vaccines.

Well, if USA and China can work together. This Covid-19 already gone, and there won’t be a lot of problems.

Lisa 提到...


Raymond 提到...


Raymond 提到...


Raymond 提到...

你唔使擔心, 如果你唔係打 Mrna 科技嘅疫苗因為根本唔係疫苗. 係滅絕人口嘅道具.

Lisa 提到...

要信科學和信中國政府 :)