2018年4月10日 星期二

The Coming Pi Target – Will it Bring World War III?

留意幅圖走勢, 2019年唔好得去邊, 同李居明預測不謀而合, 2018年尾/2019年頭是買樓最好時機 !



Mr. Armstrong, Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of your model back in 2015.75. We have stated at the WEC that the upcoming Pi turning point on November 21st, 2018, is most often political in nature. You scheduled this year’s WEC for the week before. Trump just called Assad an animal. Even 911 took place of Pi target to the day and Greece applied to the IMF for a bailout again precisely on that Pi Target. Do you think that this turning point will be a war starting in Syria?

I am sure this year’s WEC will be a thrilling moment in history.



Unfortunately, the nagging fact that Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of the ECM 2015.75 leaves one with a feeling of a stone in one’s stomach. All of this investigation that Russia interfered with the US elections set in motion by Hillary has convinced so many of her followers that Russia is the Arch Enemy as if in some comic book. This has created the proposition in the mind of the mindless that Russia is some sort of great evil that should be eradicated from the face of the earth. That mindset, no matter how wrong and distorted, is the basic requirement to support a war. Hillary has been one vindictive and evil person and her running around the world to blame Russia for her failed election has done so much to undermine world peace I do not know where to even begin. She has created the image that Russia is evil and that is all the military needs to justify playing with their weapons to attack Russia.

This entire confrontation with Russia has been orchestrated by the military. I have warned that the mere fact that Russia invaded Syria precisely on the day of the ECM was a warning call to all of us to wake up and smell the roses before the lid of the coffin is closed. The entire Refugee Crisis began just weeks into this ECM wave when Merkel stood up with open arms to divert her negative press for refusing to forgive any debt with Greece. Then, the Washington Times wrote on September 10, 2015, “Angela Merkel welcomes refugees to Germany despite rising anti-immigrant movement.” The entire refugee crisis was created by Merkel as a diversion because Germany was being viewed as the harsh enforcer of loans.

The ECM Turning Point 2015.75 has been a major profound event. This means that the likelihood of the coming Pi target on November 21st, 2018 has a higher potential to be linked (1) to the Middle East, and (2) to Russia.

The answer, unfortunately, is yes. We will be looking at the world markets to extract what they are setting up for at the Orlando WEC. This event will be important for the (1) the consolidation should end, (2) we have the Monetary Crisis Cycle in play, (3) the Pension Crisis is beginning, (4) interest rates will rise even faster with war, and (5) the prospects of the Pi target, which is normally geopolitical rather than economic, also comes into play.

This will NOT be an easy time to deal with all this. We will need the computer and review all the markets for only then collectively can we possibly comprehend what is about to unfold from that turning point into 2020/2021.

7 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Hi Lisa姐見圖走勢, 不是2019年尾/2020年頭才是買樓最好時機嗎?

Lisa 提到...

跌就要買, buy on dip, 2020年1月已轉勢中 :)
你永遠都唔會搵到最低點來買的 XD !

Unknown 提到...

Thanks ^^

lyn 提到...

2018 , i thought crash.

it is now 2019 2020 crash ?

Lisa 提到...


lyn 提到...

so 2019 UP ?

Lisa 提到...

2020-01-18 up