"Reports of organised violence by criminal gangs against private citizens, and attacks on journalists trying to do their jobs, are particularly disturbing. The continued erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy puts at risk its long-established special status in international affairs."
香港人要明白!你要美國幫香港,你要THIS WAY SIR嘅話。美國已經提哂水啦!一定要將所有野講成「中央指使」、「中國政府動用黑社會血腥鎮壓示威」、「中央負責」!咁樣先可以證明香港失去自治權,美國先可以幫到手!但係點解無人講呀?!一個POST都上唔到熱門呀?!點解完全無媒體報呀?!美國已經提左水好多次啦!係咪已經比五毛洗版到失焦呀?
"I know that that's a very important situation for President Xi," Trump said, adding that "China could stop them if they wanted."
"I think that President Xi of China has acted responsibly, very responsibly." Trump told reporters. "I hope that President Xi will do the right thing."
4 則留言:
"Reports of organised violence by criminal gangs against private citizens, and attacks on journalists trying to do their jobs, are particularly disturbing. The continued erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy puts at risk its long-established special status in international affairs."
President Donald Trump :
China’s Xi ‘Acted Responsibly’ in Hong Kong Protests
China could stop the protests “if they wanted.”
當撈侵不厭其煩再次指出,7月21號嘅示威處理:當中包括「中上環開槍鎮壓」、「元朗黑社會恐襲」,都係由習近平‘Acted Responsibly’,明確咁指出國家主席係事件責任者同操控者,之後仲講:「中國有能力將示威停止,如果他們想的話。」暗指:你一係出軍隊,一係就回應訴求。兩樣野都係將中國推向死局。
香港人要明白!你要美國幫香港,你要THIS WAY SIR嘅話。美國已經提哂水啦!一定要將所有野講成「中央指使」、「中國政府動用黑社會血腥鎮壓示威」、「中央負責」!咁樣先可以證明香港失去自治權,美國先可以幫到手!但係點解無人講呀?!一個POST都上唔到熱門呀?!點解完全無媒體報呀?!美國已經提左水好多次啦!係咪已經比五毛洗版到失焦呀?
愈玩愈大件事, 睇來玩到十月都沒玩完.........
为何Trump 的书面意思我理解为
"I know that that's a very important situation for President Xi," Trump said, adding that "China could stop them if they wanted."
"I think that President Xi of China has acted responsibly, very responsibly." Trump told reporters. "I hope that President Xi will do the right thing."