2019年9月23日 星期一

The coming protests events

There will be protests events on the 28th, 29th September and 1st of October, you should be cautious...........and avoid places where the protesters are !





建立時間: 1856
更新時間: 1947

6 則留言:

CYL 提到...

Especially be careful to popo. Once you showing up at the scene, you will be possibly arrested whatsoever. Worse still, you may lose an eyes or some of your organ.

Lisa 提到...

Nonsense and lies !

Only the protesters will cause police to catch them and only protesters cause the metro and buses to stop working, because the police will not let them escape........Only protesters will occupying the road and you will no have taxes driving there........

You will be arrested, when you try to stop the police to catch the protesters and when you go between the protesters shouting and swearing against the police, you will get tear gas in your face !

Lisa 提到...

typo taxis

JJ先生 提到...

不幸地, 太多不利的消息在流傳呀! 好似這個報導咁, 竟然有街坊話..... 聽到警察話, 今晚求祈納幾件, 就LI個靚仔啦!


我JJ個款就一定似足示威者了, 回來香港最好避開街上差人, 不過避開差人, 被劫時點算呢!? 唉, 所以我決定, 斬時唔返來香港了, 就算返來, 都唔好著名牌衫褲, 免得遇劫.

JJ先生 提到...

當然, 如果回港唔著名牌, 就唔好買名牌, 唔好大額消費.

JJ先生 提到...

今時今日之下的香港地, 有錢人都要扮窮人, 唔起眼就最安全呀.