Hi martin
Hope you are keeping great and getting better each day.
You mentioned in a previous blog that you would be talking about safe
havens if there are any. Is this something you will be talking about in
Thanks for keeping me sane in these crazy times.
All the best
are running our models on every country in the world in search of an
alternative. There is no question about it, we will release a report
quickly on this Great Reset. The computer has been
forecasting these events and quite honestly, it has never been wrong.
The problem has been it cares not who the actor is, it merely looks at
the trend. I have taken great pains to investigate and document the
players and their goals. No government will dare even investigate these
people and they have enough money to bribes every politician to do their
bidding. They are making a serious mistake for what they are doing is
cornering the population and they will soon see what a revolution really
is all about.
It forecast in 1985 that we would see the first time a third-party
candidate could win the White House in 2016. That forecast was made long
before anyone even thought of Donald Trump. The event takes place on
schedule and we have to fill in the fundamentals. The computer has been
forecasting that Western Civilization would crash and burn by 2032 and
the financial capital of the world would shift to China. We can see with
each passing month how that forecast is unfolding on schedule. NEVER
in my wildest dreams would I have suspected that a group of
billionaires would ban together to destroy our world economy so they
could reshape it in the fashion they desire.
Nevertheless, we are working diligently to try to map out6 the
various paths to the future for all of us to take. These people are of
course exempting themselves from their own proposals, but they support a
400% increase in taxation on the rest of us great unwashed.